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Amman TV is committed to maintaining Arabia Group’s high standard of excellence and strives to be a platform for the exchange of ideas through meaningful and topical debates and discussions that present different opinions and ideologies. 

We aim to be Jordan’s leading media network by creating a platform in the heart of Amman that brings together local voices through informative content and entertainment. Amman TV’s state of the art platform allows anyone with access to basic satellite or Internet service to enjoy a hybrid of TV and Radio programs. Viewers will be able to watch shows by Jordan’s leading Radio stations, as well as newly established TV programs that aim to project unique local voices and perspectives of Jordanian values and traditions. Targeting a mass demographic, we plan to cater to local viewers as well as the wider regional audience, by connecting diverse and vibrant communities and showing the brighter face of Jordan. 

We want to entertain and shed light on stories that need to be heard by speaking on behalf of those who cannot be heard. 

With the growing demand for local TV content, Arabia Group established Jordan’s first hybrid TV station,
AMMAN TV, which brings hit radio shows to the screen as well as the latest arabic drama, social and
political talk shows and arabic and international movies tha cater to both Jordanian and regional viewers.
A step that will insure the Group’s position as a leader in the media scene in Jordan.

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